Sunday, January 27, 2013

Student to Teacher Feedback - Going to "look for it." It's there!

This weeks challenge will be a simple one.  To get into three to four classrooms and find authentic feedback from students to teachers.  As an ongoing "look for" in our building and district improvement plan, it will not be difficult to find feedback in many forms and many variations.  The goal though will be to find the format of  where students giving rich, meaningful, best practice feedback that will alter a teachers method of preparing for their day. 

I have been so impressed with the way my staff embraces the use of feedback in their instruction.  They have gone out of their way to learn what it should look like, what it should sound like and what it will do for students (and teachers) as part of the teaching and learning process. I am sure it will be a fun week full of affirmation. 

Remember, if it wasn't important, we wouldn't be "looking for it"!

A great read from Educational Leadership.