Thursday, August 7, 2014

Digital Literacy - Why Wait?


Can you imagine a time when you had to wait for a book, a conference or a conversation in order to learn the best practices in your field? Think back a few years and how you would gather knowledge from colleagues that worked down the street, across town or in a different part of the world.

If we had the time, or made the time, we would pick up the phone, make a road-trip or schedule a conference in order to gain the greatest information in an attempt to improve our teaching and our learning.
Educators are learning, at a lightening pace, that being connected is a must. The catch is that where we are today is still years behind where we need to be. Just when we think we have mastered one form of digital communication and interaction, another appears. Instagram and texting are almost a thing of the past when it comes to sharing of information. Unimaginable.

Franki Sibberson shared her experiences this morning on the final day of the Ohio Innovative Learning Conference of how she embeds technology, digital literacy, into her classroom instruction. She is quick to emphasize that her addition of blogging, using twitter chats and bringing in devices is not about replacing her instruction, it is about enhancing the learning experience and continuing to meet the needs of her students. And, it has taken time and failure. The take-away though is simple, we don't have time to wait to bring these tools to our students and their learning. 

Here are some reflections via Twitter during her presentation:

The reality is though that Franki is experienced. For years she has been teaching herself, through working with others, these best practices for the benefit of and for her students. It is impressive. However for many in the audience, it can be daunting. 

As you consider what you can introduce to your students, try not to overwhelm yourself. Rather, take one tool, one path, one piece at at time and spend time each day (a few moments) and teah yourself. In time you can arm yourself with an arsenal of tools that will support your students learning interests digitally.

It will be worth your efforts. So, ask yourself, "Why Wait?"

For more information and to learn more from Frankie, go to:

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