Monday, March 16, 2015

Moments Between the Moments

As educators we are many things.

We give of ourselves tirelessly and pour our energy into our students. We refine our craft, strengthen relationships and work to ensure that each day every student grows in their academic journey. As teachers and leaders we wear many hats. We are more than just teachers of English and Math and Choir, we are an extension to the day. When we decided to be teachers we knew that our work would not end when the school bell rang. Our days would roll into nights.

It is during these extracurricular activities that we guide students to experience the moments between the moments. Those times in which the classroom walls have been pushed aside, the doors opened and the structures removed. The rules change, the dynamics shift and the social structure of the school day is thrown out the window. Often times, these activities allow students to change character, let down their guard and take risks. It is an entirely different experience. It is a part of their growth.

Tonight I found quite a few of those moments. Peter Pan is this years school play. Our 7th and 8th grade middle school students are putting on a show like no other. It is impressive. These students found their moment between the moment.

As I looked at the props, the backdrop, the transitions and of course the actors themselves, I realize that these moments are just as important as the moments between 7:30AM-2:30PM. These are the moments between the moments. And, as middle level educators we embrace these opportunities and know their vital importance to the academic experience. We know that experiences like these are irreplaceable and unable to be created in any other setting. They are essential.

Tonight was impressive. It was affirming. And, for those of us that work with kids at the middle level, it was as equally rewarding to see them during this phase of their journey in life. It will be these moments between the moments that will be remembered as they grow through their high school years and beyond.

This evening, and in the years to come, all of these students will take flight right alongside Peter Pan and Tinker Bell as a result of this experience.


  1. What a special moment! I think music, art, and sports among other extra curricular activities are the times that really build character, responsibility, and memories for students. It's special when we can be a part of it, or at least a witness to it. :)

  2. This is so important and so wonderful that you recognize this. It is very easy for us to think that the most important part of the day is from 7:30-2:30. But let's be real. If we think back to our middle and high school days the best stuff often happened afterwards. You did a great job pointing this out and honoring that our kids have lives that matter outside of the normal school hours. Great piece Craig!
