(Courtesy mgaresearch.com)
I am rather fortunate where I work. Very fortunate, actually. I have an extremely supportive group of colleagues that I spend each day with. We feed off of each others wisdom. My colleagues have passion. These people care as much about what they teach as who they teach. They put kids first. They do "what is best for kids" in all aspects of their day. They care for their students. They love to teach.
The same goes for the colleagues that support our work from the district level. They provide guidance, ideas and most importantly, they trust us. They have our backs. And not the surface stuff either. They are the type that get in the trenches, pull back their sleeves and get messy with us. They are engaged leaders of leaders. They understand us.
This climate, this culture, did not become this way overnight. This environment was not created by one person. In fact, it was a series of events all intertwined together over the course of time that leads us to where we are today.
I believe in the human spirit and I share that belief with those around me. I am both the teacher and the pupil. I learn as much as I teach. I evolve in who I am and how I serve others. This is what I believe:
Embrace others.
Respect perspectives.
Admire a teachers will.
Honor a students opinion.
Pay attention to what is happening around you.
Act in a manner that makes you a part of the possibilities of the organization.
Lead. Laugh. Learn.
As you have the opportunity to teach, guide or support others, what is it that will take your organization to this higher state of possibility? What shift needs to occur for your school, business or institution to become one that is filled with trust, encouragement, engagement and hope?
My advice? Allow yourself and those around you to dream and dream big. Encourage risk taking. Model. Embrace your vision. Have passion. Believe.
We say that it takes a village, and it;s truly important that village is one "filled with trust, encouragement, engagement, and hope." How wonderful to have found a place like that and get to be a part of it on a daily basis. Truly inspirational!
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