Sunday, May 4, 2014

To My Teachers: With Gratitude.

(image courtesy of
You are appreciated.

Every morning of every school day you rise to the occasion. You warmly welcome the students that enter your classroom. You know each day will be different then the day before. There is no normal. Students spend half of their day, half of their year, half of their lives with you, their teachers.

Spending hours to prepare each lesson you take pride in. Conferencing with students to share their progress is a practice of each week. Assessing students and tailoring instruction is evident. The collaboration with your colleagues speaks to your commitment to your own growth. Time is not measured. You do what needs to get done.

You make a difference.

Mandates, initiatives and policy often become obstacles in your day. Yet you persevere and embrace this knowing that it is a part of the process. You know what is best. You filter. The authentic lessons, the experiences you provide and the connections you make are the moments remembered each day. They may not remember all the content in years to come, however they will not forget you and how you taught them and treated them.

You do what is best for kids.

Guiding parents, holding conferences and having ongoing conversations to assist your school community to be a part of the teaching and learning is something you value and emphasize. You know it takes a collective effort. You can't teach in isolation, you know that the home is essential to growth. You spend hours to ensure all are involved.

(image courtesy of
You are celebrated.

My teachers amaze me. They support each other in the preparing and delivering of their work. They lean on each other in their lives away from the school day. They laugh, they cry. They know they are collectively responsible for the students within the school walls. My teachers are the inspiration of the day. They embrace their role. They overcome, achieve and guide. They give.

For all that you do, the lessons I have been taught, you have my gratitude.

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